Gold Pricing

  • 1h Escort service 250 EUR
    *2h Escort Service & Erotic Massage & Taxi fare Incl. 360 EUR
    3h Escort Service & Erotic Massage & Taxi fare Incl. 540 EUR
    4h Escort Service - Erotic Massage - Dinner Date & Taxi fare Incl. 720 EUR
    5h Escort Service & Party & Taxi fare Incl. 900 EUR
    8h Overnight Sleeping & Taxi fare Incl. 1,300 EUR
    Couple Service Hourly rate - Minimum 2h booking 300 EUR
  • 1h Escort service 299 USD
    *2h Escort Service & Erotic Massage & Taxi fare Incl. 431 USD
    3h Escort Service & Erotic Massage & Taxi fare Incl. 646 USD
    4h Escort Service - Erotic Massage - Dinner Date & Taxi fare Incl. 861 USD
    5h Escort Service & Party & Taxi fare Incl. 1,076 USD
    8h Overnight Sleeping & Taxi fare Incl. 1,555 USD
    Couple Service Hourly rate - Minimum 2h booking 359 USD
  • 1h Escort service 232 GBP
    *2h Escort Service & Erotic Massage & Taxi fare Incl. 335 GBP
    3h Escort Service & Erotic Massage & Taxi fare Incl. 502 GBP
    4h Escort Service - Erotic Massage - Dinner Date & Taxi fare Incl. 669 GBP
    5h Escort Service & Party & Taxi fare Incl. 836 GBP
    8h Overnight Sleeping & Taxi fare Incl. 1,208 GBP
    Couple Service Hourly rate - Minimum 2h booking 279 GBP
  • 1h Escort service 264 CHF
    *2h Escort Service & Erotic Massage & Taxi fare Incl. 381 CHF
    3h Escort Service & Erotic Massage & Taxi fare Incl. 571 CHF
    4h Escort Service - Erotic Massage - Dinner Date & Taxi fare Incl. 761 CHF
    5h Escort Service & Party & Taxi fare Incl. 951 CHF
    8h Overnight Sleeping & Taxi fare Incl. 1,374 CHF
    Couple Service Hourly rate - Minimum 2h booking 317 CHF



Hi, gents and thank you for your interest. I am very happy that you have chosen me today. My name is Valentina, I am 24 years old and I am here to make all your dreams become real. I am a former model, one of the best actually and I decided to join this area of working a year ago when I couldn't go in a business trip because I had some family problems. But now I am very happy and pleased with my new life. I am very confident in my beauty and I am sure that I will make your entire world go crazy.

My favorite services are Threesome, Dominant, and Erotic Massage. Of course, I can provide many other services, but these three are the most special to me. I am also one of the best GFE companions that you have ever seen in your life. My special GFE experience will include kissing, cuddling, talking, teasing and seduction. We can both go and have a romantic dinner at a fancy restaurant, and then we can go for a long night walk in the park, followed by an amazing trip to the fields of pleasure in your hotel room.

I might not be so experienced in this field, but because I had a great back experience in the modeling world, I know how to deal with people. I will find your weakest spots and I will take advantage of them. I will make you tell me about what your fantasies are and we will try to make them come true.

Base City:Leiden, Cities
Sexual Orientation:Heterosexual
Eye Color:Black
Hair Color:Brown